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skyblue342 11-21-2008 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Papillon Noir (Post 761388)
He's probably gay himself and just can't admit it! I think people often hurt others because they can't deal with their own insecurities. The don't want to punish themselves so they punish others.

Thats what i thought to. Especially since he came on to me you know?

Angra 11-21-2008 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Papillon Noir (Post 761388)
He's probably gay himself and just can't admit it! I think people often hurt others because they can't deal with their own insecurities. The don't want to punish themselves so they punish others.


Those kind of people should be locked up for good,

Papillon Noir 11-21-2008 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by skyblue342 (Post 761390)
Thats what i thought to. Especially since he came on to me you know?

It reminds me of the opening scene to The Rules of Attraction, it's very similar to what happened to you.


Totally. :cool:

hellfire1 11-21-2008 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Papillon Noir (Post 761395)
It reminds me of the opening scene to The Rules of Attraction, it's very similar to what happened to you.

He probably became a raging queen and told everyone that it was skyblue who couldn't get it up.

Roderick Usher 11-21-2008 01:34 PM

I get hit on all the time. It's usually just something I laugh at, but sometimes the pursuers can be a bit aggressive and that's when it's no longer cool. Some people just won't leave me alone even when I say that I'm into the ladies.

It was really obnoxious when I was bartending in Hollywood. Gay men are, across the board, the best tippers on the planet, so I never said boo about my sexuality at work unless someone flat-out asked me. I'd usually just say "sorry, I'm taken" and leave them guessing. But when they start grabbing ass and not taking no for an answer (drunk male behavior regardless of sexuality) I've been know to get a little mean - and then people have the gaul to call me homophobic.

I've worked on Broadway in musical theater and I used to live around Dupont Circle in Washington D.C. - so I've been up to my neck in gay for a long time and I guess my acceptance of it has reached such a level that I give off a gay vibe... at least to the men who are looking to score.

And I'm not quite certain, but one of my sons is has been giving some pretty strong gay indicators, which is going to be really wierd and funny to watch unfold. Puberty is an awkward time for anyone. I'm sure his will be particularly entertaining to observe.

Angra 11-21-2008 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Roderick Usher (Post 761408)
I get hit on all the time. It's usually just something I luagh at, but sometimes the pursuers can be a bit aggressive and that's when it's no longer cool. Some people just won't leave me alone even when I say that I'm into the ladies.

It was really obnoxious when I was bartending in Hollywood. Gay men are, across the board, the best tippers on the planet, so I never said boo about my sexuality at work unless someone flat-out asked me. I'd usually just say "sorry, I'm taken" and leave them guessing.

I also worked on Broadway in musical theater and I used to live around Dupont Circle in Washington D.C. - so I've been up to my neck in gay for a long time and I guess my acceptance of it has reached such a level that I give off a gay vibe... at least to the men who are looking to score.

And I'm not quite certain, but one of my sons is has been giving some pretty gay indicators, which is going to be really wierd and funny to watch unfold. Puberty is an awkward time for anyone. I'm sure his will be particularly entertaining to observe.

One of your sons??

I thought you only had 1?

How many do u have and how old are they?

X¤MurderDoll¤X 11-21-2008 01:37 PM


when I hear men totally freaked out by the idea of another man hitting on them, when I have seen them rather aggressively pursue women who have NO interest in them, at all.
haha yes

I would LOVE to be able to put myself in their heads, I want to know the thought process going into this.

Roderick Usher 11-21-2008 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Angra (Post 761409)
One of your sons??

I thought you only had 1?

How many do u have and how old are they?

I have two sons, 5 and 11

Angra 11-21-2008 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Roderick Usher (Post 761411)
I have two sons, 5 and 11

Oh. How great.

Lets just see how it goes. I remember to have done some very gay things when i was just about 5, so.... So much for signs.

Roderick Usher 11-21-2008 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Angra (Post 761413)
Oh. How great.

Lets just see how it goes. I remember to have done some very gay things when i was just about 5, so.... So much for signs.

Wether he's gay of straight makes no difference to me, but I do find the idea of raising a gay son to be quite entertaining. Either way, he's gonna have his pick of either sex. Hell, they both will. Good thing they both got their mother's looks.

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