Guillermo del Toro Versus The Hobbit?

Guillermo del Toro Versus The Hobbit?
Reports say that director Guillermo del Toro is in talks to possibly direct The Hobbit movies.
Updated: 01-28-2008

One of's favorite directors, Guillermo del Toro, is in talks to direct back-to-back installments of J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit".

Few filmmakers have the cachet that del Toro has, as well as a deep love for the source material, an assured grasp of fantasy filmmaking and an understanding and command of geek culture as well as its respect. Del Toro has built that goodwill through such films as the Oscar-nominated "Pan's Labyrinth," "Hellboy," "Blade 2" and "The Devil's Backbone."

The release of the first film is slated for 2010 and the second in 2011.

Full article: Del Toro doubles up for 'Hobbit' - Hollywood Reporter

Latest User Comments:
I've never read the book (nor LTR or Harry Potter much less seen the movies---not my thing) but I [b]will [/b] watch this because of Guille. I adork him.
01-31-2008 by IggysPinkTights discuss