Review of "The Eye" (2002)

Review of "The Eye" (2002)
The Eye (aka "Jian gui") (2002) - Director: The Pang Brothers - Starring Angelica Lee, - Review Contains Minor Spoilers.
Updated: 10-23-2003

Asian horror cinema has definitely becoming that of a mainstream cult phenomenon here in the states. The American remake of "Ringu" ("The Ring") started something very intriguing. With "Ringu" being the most popular one to ship over "The Eye" has to be the second most popular, and soon could pass "Ringu" for this title with an American remake on the way.

How could "The Eye" surpass "Ringu"? Pure and simple. It's a better film. Much more atmospheric, shot better and more original, more creepy and a much better overall film.

The story centers about a girl named Mun (Angelica Lee). Mun has been blind for 18 years (since age 2). A miracle doctor gives Mun a corneal transplant which miraculously restores her sight. Shortly after getting used to her new sight Mun begins seeing much more than she bargained for. She gets the supernatural power once possessed through the eyes of her donor; the ability to see future deaths as well as the already deceased.

This movie does indeed borrow slightly from the premise of "The Sixth Sense" but it is done so in a way that works and makes the story all it's own. Some of the visuals along with the score music will definitely give you the creeps and make you jump in your seat. The film includes a massive death scene that rivals that of the pile up at the beginning of "Final Destination 2". The story never really gets to the confusing stage if you follow the film well.

The Pang Brothers do an excellent job in the directorial chair. The FX are done professionally and compliment the movie well. The actresses and actors are top notch and know how to deliver what needs delivering.

The film was critically acclaimed all over Asia as well as America. Looks like we are chalking up one more good review for the record books. As mentioned above, the American remake is on the way. Who is putting the remake out? None other than the production company headed by a man by the name of Mr. Tom Cruise. If they keep all the highlights, the feel, and story in tact, American audiences will definitely be in for a treat. But never forget where the film came from and give the original a chance first.

Latest User Comments:
Undoubtedly one the best of the current asian horror crop. The scene in the cleassroom where Mun is learning to write and the closing sequenceare the highlights
10-07-2005 by scouse mac discuss