Black Forest on SyFy

Black Forest on SyFy
Updated: 02-25-2012

BLACK FOREST is from director Patrick Dinhut (Dead & Deader) and screenwriter Frank H. Woodward (Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown).

A group of naive tourists take a sightseeing tour into a supposed enchanted forest, where they encounter evil creatures from the world of fantasy. Trapped in the Black Forest, their only hope of survival is fighting their way out.

Ben Cross (Chariots of Fire, Tinsel Korey (The Twilight Saga), and regular Syfy character actor Velizar Binev (Lake Placid 3) star.  It airs Saturday, Feb 25th @ 7pm and 11pm.  Art of a double bill (see below).

And here’s a link to the trailer:

Latest User Comments:
BLACK FOREST was an awesome film with very good effects shown. Enjoyed watching it. [URL=""]Granite Countertops[/URL]
05-29-2012 by Deanetoth discuss