Marvel Mines Its Archives For Movie Potential

Marvel Mines Its Archives For Movie Potential
Comic companies seek to cash in on horror-comic-hungry audiences.
Updated: 09-29-2003

Spurred by the success of comic-based movies like "Blade", "X-Men", and "Spiderman", Marvel Enterprises is considering plumbing the depths of its vast archives for big screen movie potential. The comic book standard-bearer may create a whole division for movie production so as to find new avenues for its library of 4,700 villains and heroes.

Avi Arad, prexy-CEO of Marvel Studios, considering movies with filming budgets from $8 million to $50 million, leaving the distribution and bigger-budget projects to the major studios. Sleeper hits like "Men in Black" helped to put Marvel back in the black, changing it from a nearly bankrupt comic book publisher to a box office name.

But Marvel may face stiff competition from other comic publishers going the same route. Archie Comics Entertainment recently made a deal with Miramax, and DC Comics is also seeking to turn its print characters into box office hits.

The bottom line is that many more comic-based horror and action movies are on the way to theaters. Comic fans, stay tuned to see your favorites on the big screen!

Source: Variety

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