Top 10 Horror Movie Halloween Costume Ideas - 2009 Edition

Top 10 Horror Movie Halloween Costume Ideas - 2009 Edition
Our suggestions from this year's crop of horror movies and TV series.
Updated: 10-10-2009





Mrs. Ganush from Drag Me To Hell
Curse-casting gypsy-woman
What you'll need: Old lady clothes, such as a ratty sweater, sagging nylon stockings, and sensible shoes. Gnarly teeth and a bad cough. Staples for your forehead would be a nice touch, as would a big button to brandish as you spew your curse.
Deborah from H2: Halloween 2
Michael Myers's ghostly mamma
What you'll need: A long white gown with big bell sleeves, a long white wig, ghastly eye makeup and a vacant stare. If you have a dapple grey horse or / and a little boy in a clown mask to lead around, so much the better.
Jennifer from Jennifer's Body
Undead high school hussy
What you'll need: If you decide to not go with the iconic schoolgirl getup from the movie poster, a good choice is the prom-night showdown in which Jennifer is wearing a separate-sleeved, diaphanous white gown with a black sash. You should be soaking wet, very angry, and have a bloody boy-smear running down your busty front.
Max from Where The Wild Things Are
The little boy who's king of the monsters
What you'll need: These costumes are for sale but if you want to brown bag it, you could recycle a light-colored furry PJ suit of any kind and top it with a tinfoil and cardboard crown. Don't forget the stick made from a tree branch and the sullen expression.
The Miner from My Bloody Valentine
Pickaxe-slinging killer with a penchant for romance
What you'll need: A miner's mask and lighted hardhat, black clothing and gloves. A giant fake pickaxe, and if possible a box of chocolates or a bloodstained Valentine's Day card.
Maryann from True Blood
The hellish handmaiden of Dionysus, aka: a maenad
What you'll need: This is definitely a stealth costume, and only the truest of True Blood fans will get it. You should probably go with the Maryann look from her finale, in which she is decked out in full earth-goddess mode. Flowers in your hair, serpent-and-vine styled curly jewelry, a glowing complexion, and grandma's vintage wedding gown.
ChromeSkull from Laid To Rest
Knife-wielding slasher who loves his techno-toys of terror
What you'll need: A skull-face that's properly chromed up, a couple of phony serrated carving knives, a tiny video camera perched one shoulder, black commando-style clothing, and a cellular device.
Lucian from Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
The knight-turned-werewolf who carries a torch for vampire ladies
What you'll need: If you opt not to go for Lucian as-turned into a hellish wolfhound, you could try and pull off his mercenary slave chic. You'll need a leather vest and trousers, a big medallion around your neck, long hair and beard, a faux sword, and a few blood spatters on your face.
Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th Remake
Killer who uses a variety of weapons and hates teenagers
What you'll need: The signature hockey mask, with red accents. A big, moth-eaten feltlike coat and pants a few sizes too big. A baseball bat, a chain, or/and a mock machete, plus a belt with a bridle-sword sheath.
Samantha from Final Destination 3D
The MILF who goes in for a salon day and emerges drop dead gore-geous
What you'll need: Another super-stealth costume, but a good one if you really want to keep your guests guessing. You'll need a sexy long light brunet wig, a low-cut layered tank top, a big purse, car keys, and a gaping hole where one eye should be. A couple of hint items to carry with you could be a pair of 3D glasses and an appointment card from Salon Dante.
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